So what would happen if you did away with the traditional corporate brochureware website and replaced it with a blog? I don't mean replace a static website with a CMS system. I mean actually use a blog-like publishing model for a corporate website. And, instead of populating the site with approved marketing material, the content was mostly employee generated.
Well, Right Media is doing just this. Their corporate website is for the most part a blog of employee generated posts. There is static content like case studies and whitepapers available in the sidebar navigation, but the majority of content is employee generated. Why are they doing this? I think they put it best themselves:
"Instead of trying to describe what we do with traditional marketing copy, we’re letting our employees tell our story by simply writing about what they do every day. From pitches to training summaries, success stories to ongoing challenges, each article will be a personal, unfiltered glimpse into Right Media."
And this is my favorite:
"...we’re always developing new products, improving upon existing ones, and contending with new issues. Static marketing copy can’t keep up with it all. Our employee articles will."
The implications of this are interesting on so many different levels, and whether or not they've found the perfect solution is beside the point. What is exciting here is their willingness to take risks and do what it takes to overcome the inertia inherent in traditional, static marketing.
Technorati Tags: Marketing Communcations Blogs Right Media
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